Saturday, May 8, 2010

Musing on Bach

Today as I drove home from the Saturday morning men's prayer group I attend, I was listening to Bach's cantata #23, Du wahrer Gott und Davids Sohn (You, truly God and Son of David), I was touched by the meaning of the first movement. It depicts the cries of the blind men along the roadside who got Jesus' attention and as a result were healed by Him of their blindness (Matthew 20:30-34). I was struck by how well the music painted the picture of the Saviour passing by and the cries of pity from the blind men. It made me think about the times in my life when I felt the deep need to cry out to Jesus for His total and complete healing. I had heard this cantata many times before, since it was one of my favorites, but this was one of those times that it became ministry instead of just music. I think it would be awesome to create a piece of art that continues to minister some aspect of God's character long after it was created, for those who choose to receive it that way. Not something "religious," but something that would really draw the viewer into a deeper understanding or connection with God.

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