Saturday, March 12, 2011

A Look Back

This week I was going through my inspiration box. This is a large box that I keep that contains ideas, projects I started, thumbnail sketches, and various other stuff that I want to eventually turn into artwork. I found my sketchbook that I had used several years ago. It was during a time in my life when I was working at a non-creative job, and it was draining the life out of me. I was frustrated that I wasn't getting any creative work done. Then I read an article in an artist's magazine that described exactly what I was going through. The author of the article advised the reader to "create art right where you are, out of or in spite of the dull junk of daily life." It was then that I realized that I didn't have to be working at a creative job to use my creativity; I could draw the things I saw around me. Suddenly the mundane and ordinary objects around me became interesting. On my break times I began to draw the things I saw:

The reason I took out my sketchbook in the first place is because I thought there was room in it to draw the picture of tomatoes that I took a couple of weeks ago. But the sketchbook is full; I will have to find another one.
I'm going to work on getting some drawing time in again. I love knitting, but I also need to work on my drawing, scratchboard and painting. Just last week I was thinking about a watercolor piece that I'd like to create. It may take some time after I've completed the research I need to do, but I am going to put the steps in place to start the work.

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